Episode 141 - Katie Rae

Music has been an integral part of Katie’s life since childhood, a source of connection between her and her father. While growing up in Northern California, he emphasized the importance of music as a form of expression and encouraged Katie to develop her interest in the artform. Starting in coffee shops singing while her dad strummed his guitar, Katie gradually developed her talent as she entered her school choir. 
Ultimately, she took a long break from music, focusing on her marriage and supporting her husband’s career. In 2015, her love of music found her partnering with her brother-in-law to put together a band. She found new strength in her talent and discovered the courage to begin performing at various local gigs. Amidst the success of the band, the pull of motherhood in 2017, her focus shifted again to prioritize her growing family. While it meant time away from performing, motherhood gave Katie time to practice and hone her skill.
She decided to challenge herself by competing on NBC’s The Voice in Los Angeles. Months of preparation, coaching, and performances led her to a debut on the televised Top 20 and led to a multitude of new friendships and musical partnerships. Katie returned to Sacramento with renewed verve and commitment to making music. She founded a new band, Katie Rae and The Sizzle – an ode to Kelly’s Clarkson’s description of her voice as sizzling butter – and capitalized on new friendships to record “Enough is Enough” with her battle partner, Bella Napoli. She is also continuing to pursue other musical opportunities and working with session bands to record and produce. Katie continues to be grateful for the support of her family and friends, The Voice, and her many followers. It goes without saying, this is just the beginning for Katie Rae!